The day John Cunningham died

I wrote this song as a tribute to my favourite Scottisch fiddle player, who died on December,15th 2003. 
I guess he would have liked it. 

Henk Coudenys: mondharmonica
Sjoerd Meerburg: Gitaar.

There was fiddlin’, aye, and dancing on John Cunningham’s dying day
He was welcomed up in heaven with his strathspeys and his reels
The angels loved the slip jig, invited him to stay
And Jesus Christ himself begged: ‘please don’t go away’.

The devil came a-knocking, knocking on heaven’s door
He said ‘I want John Cunningham, this fiddle from me he stole
I now have come to gather what I righteously own
He borrowed all my tunes in promise of his soul’

Sint-Patrick assisted by Kentigern kicked the devil away
Then the first said to the latter: ’What’s a druid doing here?’
‘I’ve come to meet John Cunningham, he’s kin to me I say
So he should leave your heaven and follow me all the way

’Although he is not Irish, he’s Christian’, Patrick said
‘Oh no’, replied ol’ Kentigern, he’s Scottish I’m afraid.
They started up a fight about who was wrong or right
While Johnny kept on jigging, they rolled across the sky.

The devil around the corner winked at him and smiled
John winked back, he tapped his foot and speeded up his jive
The angels were a-rocking, but he left them in the end
The devil dancing beside him said ‘Welcome back my friend’.